Thursday, December 12, 2013


Environment Minister Decision has released PROPER 2012-2013 result. PROPER is an effor by Ministry of Environment to encourage corporate to comply goverment rugulations and laws and also to encourage companies that have good environment performance to implement cleaner production. 

Ministry of Environment has released the result of Proper 2012-2013 in Jakarta, 10 December 2013. Total company is 1.812, it increases 38% from last periode 1.317 company. It is including manufacture, mining, oil and energy, agroindustry and other.

Assessment Criteria PROPER contains in the Minister of the Environment No. 06 of 2013. In general, performance rating PROPER has been split to 5 criteria ; Gold, Green, Blue, Red and Black. Criteria obedience is rated: blue, red and black, while the more aspects of the assessment criteria required (beyond compliance) are green and goldAs for obedience assessed aspects of:

  1. Implementation of environmental documents (AMDAL / UKL-UPL);
  2. Efforts to control air and water pollution;
  3. Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3), and
  4. Combating environmental degradation specifically for mining activities

The result of PROPER 2012-2013 :

1. Gold criteria : 12 companies (0.67 %)
2. Green criteria : 113 companies (6.31 %)
3. Blue criteria : 1.039 companies (57.98 %)
4. Red criteria : 611 companies (34.1 %)
5. Black criteria : 17 companies (0.95 %)

PROPER assessment process carried out by the Technical Team with Tim PROPER PROPER KLH discussions with the Provincial Advisory Council PROPER consisting of academics , legal practitioners , NGOs , politicians and the media , led by prof . Dr. . Surna T. Djajadiningrat . Minister of Environment , Prof. . Dr. . Balthasar Kambuaya , MBA asserted that " Mechanism and Assessment Criteria PROPER provide an opportunity to identify the best environmental management practices and disseminate to stakeholders , so as to create major changes in behavior and improve compliance to environmental regulations " .Further explained that in order to improve competitiveness in the market , the company can apply the concept of a green economy , to provide better value-added investment over the natural resources , human and economic capital while reducing impact on the environment and social inequality . The program proved to be encouraging :• 48 companies rated green and gold lower the water pollution load of 11.8 million tonnes ;• 65 companies rated green and gold did decrease the air pollution load reduction of 2,930 tons and Greenhouse Gas ( GHG) emissions by 646 982 tonnes of CO2 eq , by applying a range of innovations and the implementation of best environmental management.

Source data :


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